Steve is Given Dog Tag of Fallen Soldier
KIX has always been about taking you to a happier place, to forget what sucks in life if only for a little while, in both our records and shows this has always been our goal!
Last night [at our KIX show Sept 13] in Berlin Md at a meet and greet I was given the ultimate compliment.
I was presented with a bracelet containing the dog tag of a fallen soldier in Afghanistan by his best friend who was thanking me for taking the time to give him and his friend an autograph and taking a picture with them and in talking with them after they told me they were leaving for a tour to Afghanistan, I wished them both a heartfelt safe and successful tour and God speed to return home safely. This was at Thunderdome in Baltimore about 8 years ago but I did remember that night meeting them both and the conversation we had, the admiration and appreciation I felt after hanging with them for a while.
He told me he and his buddy held on to that night with the pictures we took and playing KIX constantly to get them through their tour, at this point I’m holding back the emotions, I thanked him but said I couldn’t possibly accept this honor, he told me he had one made for himself and one for me!
I will cherish this forever!
Really opened my eyes to the impact our music and our shows have on fans, thanks to Michael and all our fans that allow us to do what we love!
-Steve Whiteman
- Michael Cymek and Steve Whiteman, Berlin, MD 2014
- Dog Tag of Fallen Soldier presented to Steve Whiteman by Michael Cymek